Spanish verb tropezar conjugated: How does that work?

Understanding the conjugation of the Spanish verb "tropezar" is an essential step in mastering the Spanish language. Whether you're a beginner or an advanced speaker, knowing how to properly conjugate verbs can significantly improve your communication skills. The verb "tropezar" means "to stumble" or "to trip," and it's a verb you'll likely encounter in everyday conversation.

What will I see here?
  1. How to Conjugate "Tropezar" in the Present Tense?
  2. Unlocking the Future Perfect Tense of "Tropezar"
  3. Exploring the Imperfect Conjugation of "Tropezar"
  4. Subjunctive Vs. Indicative: When to Use "Tropezar"?
  5. Imperative Conjugations: Commands with "Tropezar"
  6. Infinitive and Gerund Forms of "Tropezar"
  7. Related Questions about Conjugating "Tropezar"

How to Conjugate "Tropezar" in the Present Tense?

The present tense conjugation of "tropezar" is used to describe current actions or habitual events. It follows a pattern similar to other -ar verbs with a stem change from e to ie:

  • Yo tropiezo
  • Tú tropiezas
  • Él/Ella/Usted tropieza
  • Nosotros/Nosotras tropezamos
  • Vosotros/Vosotras tropezáis
  • Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes tropiezan

It's important to note that the stem change occurs in all forms except nosotros and vosotros.

Unlocking the Future Perfect Tense of "Tropezar"

The future perfect tense is used to discuss actions that will have been completed at a certain point in the future. To form this tense with "tropezar," you need the auxiliary verb "haber" in the future tense plus the past participle "tropiezo.":

  1. Yo habré tropezado
  2. Tú habrás tropezado
  3. Él/Ella/Usted habrá tropezado
  4. Nosotros/Nosotras habremos tropezado
  5. Vosotros/Vosotras habréis tropezado
  6. Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes habrán tropezado

Exploring the Imperfect Conjugation of "Tropezar"

The imperfect tense portrays ongoing or repeated past actions. "Tropezar" conjugated in the imperfect tense looks like this:

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  • Yo tropezaba
  • Tú tropezabas
  • Él/Ella/Usted tropezaba
  • Nosotros/Nosotras tropezábamos
  • Vosotros/Vosotras tropezabais
  • Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes tropezaban

This tense is commonly used to describe habits or actions that were in progress in the past.

Subjunctive Vs. Indicative: When to Use "Tropezar"?

The subjunctive mood expresses wishes, doubts, or hypothetical situations. It contrasts with the indicative mood, which is used for statements of fact. Here's how to use "tropezar" in both moods:


  • Yo tropiezo (I stumble)
  • Tú tropiezas (You stumble)


  • Que yo tropiece (That I stumble)
  • Que tú tropieces (That you stumble)

Imperative Conjugations: Commands with "Tropezar"

The imperative form is used to give orders or advice. With "tropezar," the commands vary for positive and negative forms:

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Positive commands:

  • Tropieza (You stumble - informal singular)
  • Tropecemos (Let's stumble)

Negative commands:

  • No tropieces (Don't stumble - informal singular)
  • No tropecemos (Let's not stumble)

Infinitive and Gerund Forms of "Tropezar"

The infinitive form "tropezar" is used after other verbs or as the subject of a sentence. The gerund, "tropezando," is used to form progressive tenses:

  • Infinitive: Tropezar es fácil si no miras por dónde vas. (To stumble is easy if you don't watch where you're going.)
  • Gerund: Estoy tropezando con la misma piedra. (I am stumbling over the same stone.)

Related Questions about Conjugating "Tropezar"

How do you use conjugated verbs in Spanish?

In Spanish, conjugated verbs are used to indicate the time of action, the subject performing it, and the mood of the verb. The conjugation changes depending on these factors, aligning the verb with the subject pronoun and tense.

For instance, "tropezar" is conjugated as "tropiezo" when I am the subject and the action is happening now. This alignment ensures clarity and precision in communication.

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Is tropezar preterite or imperfect?

"Tropezar" can be conjugated in both the preterite and imperfect tenses. The preterite is used for completed actions, such as "tropecé en la calle" (I stumbled in the street). The imperfect is used for ongoing or habitual past actions, like "tropezaba a menudo" (I used to stumble often).

Both tenses provide a rich context for storytelling and recounting events in the past.

What is the conjugate rule in Spanish?

The conjugation rule in Spanish involves altering the verb ending based on the subject pronoun and tense. Regular verbs follow a predictable pattern, while irregular verbs may require unique changes. "Tropezar," for example, involves a stem change from e to ie in most of its present tense forms.

Understanding these rules is key to forming correct verb conjugations and making yourself understood in Spanish.

What are the 3 verb conjugations in Spanish?

Spanish verbs fall into three conjugation groups based on their infinitive endings: -ar, -er, and -ir. "Tropezar" belongs to the -ar group, which is the largest and often considered the default pattern for conjugation.

Each group has its own set of rules for conjugation that applies across different tenses and moods, enabling speakers to articulate their thoughts across various contexts.

Remember, mastering the conjugation of Spanish verb "tropezar" is an important step in becoming fluent in Spanish. It opens up a world of expression, allowing you to articulate experiences and actions with precision. Practice these conjugations regularly, and you will find yourself stumbling less in conversations and more in love with the Spanish language.

If you want to know other articles similar to Spanish verb tropezar conjugated: How does that work? you can visit the category Verb Conjugations.

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